My broad research interests are in computational and discrete geometry. I enjoy thinking about geometrical puzzles, tilings and reconfiguration problems. Generally, I thrive on intuitive and motivated problems that are easily communicated but hard to solve.
In my free time, I enjoy connecting ideas from my own research to tangible applications and objects, mainly by designing and making wooden and metal puzzles. I am also currently working on a board game based on aperiodic tilings and results from combinatorial design theory.
I am currently a PhD student in mathematics and computer science at the Institute of Science and Technology in Austria (ISTA) where I work in the Edelsbrunner, Kwan and Wagner groups. I previously did my masters at McGill University, where I was lucky to be supervised by Piotr Przytycki and Christophe Hohlweg. I also completed my bachelor there in math, computer science and music composition.
Email: florestan (dot) brunck (at) mail (dot) mcgill (dot) ca